Mail Issue


We have a model uploaded on the marketplace in “changes needed” status, but we have never received the email with the PDF of the modifications to be made.

We have tried contacting you through the form or the supportmarketplace email, but we haven’t received a response.

How can we communicate with the marketplace department to resolve our issue?


Code This Lab Team.

Hey @Code_This_Lab! Welcome back!

You will probably need to submit another ticket to Marketplace Support explaining the situation, making sure that they have the most up to date email address for you by including it into the ticket. In addition, I would also double check that the emails aren’t automatically being rerouted to your spam folder, as stranger things have happened.

Good luck on getting this situation sorted out!

Hi Quetzalcodename,

Thank you for your response.

Can you provide us with a link or an email for Marketplace Support?

Hey @Code_This_Lab,

You can contact the Marketplace through this link:

Hello Quetz,

Once again thank you for the support.

Have a nice day!


Code This Lab Team

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