Magical Hat Trick [Unreal Challenge: Spellar Performance]

Title: Magical Hat Trick

Video link: Magical Hat Trick | Unreal Challenge: Spellar Performance - YouTube

Student Submission: No

Credits to sourced content:

Screenshot of the project in editor:


  • Did you use Houdini?
    No, I was unfortunately not able to obtain a license. I would have loved to try it out!

  • Description
    The inspiration for my submission is a magician’s theatrical hat trick that summons a cat! I’d say that’s one Spellar Performance (ba-dum tss)

  • Engine version
    Unreal Engine 5.1

  • Side Note:

This is my first ever Unreal Challenge/VFX Challenge and I really enjoyed it! I learned a lot about the Niagara particle system, something I was inexperienced with before this challenge. I’ll be continuing to explore and create with Niagara in the future, and hopefully experiment with the fluid systems and chaos as well.

Due to some unfortunate circumstances in my personal life, I was unable to begin production on my entry until the 23rd of February, which was not as much time as I would’ve liked to work on the project. However, I did my best with the time I had and rather enjoyed the process of making it happen! I hope you enjoy it too :slight_smile:


Great Job. This is so cool! I really like the story!

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Thank you so much! I appreciate the comment <3

wow! Good Job bro

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Thank you man! I appreciate it :smiley:

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Well actually you used Houdini haha Houdini’s hat~! XDD
A lovely magical moment, the sound effect is also cute and relaxing. Cat is our magician right?

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Thank you so much! You got me with Houdini’s hat hahaha, that was good. And sure, maybe the little guy is our magician, or a magician in disguise hehe

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