Magic Symbol Recognizer - Help and Request Thread

Ok so this sounds like it should be a feature of the Engine, maybe it already is and I can’t find it, but I did find a potential solution.

It looks like there is currently a workaround to be able to load the saved symbols in a packaged build - it’s the bottom post of this thread:

Basically it sounds like you have to create a blueprint actor with the same variables as the save game object, save the symbols that are being created in the editor to that actor, hit the pause simulation button and apply instance changes to that actor blueprint. Then instead of the save game object you will spawn that actor and load its variables similar to how the save game object works.

It’s a hack but it sounds like it should work. Maybe there is an option in the settings somewhere to export save game to packaged builds… that would save a headache, if there isn’t then Epic should add that feature.