Magic Nodes


If it’s not difficult, then you can write some examples of functions from the blueprint in C ++ for the Magic Nodes
Examples - ForEachLoop, ForEachLoopWithBreak, ForEachLoopWithBreakAndDelay, ForLoop (int), WhileLoop
Thank you very much in advance!

There are few examples in plugin’s Content folder.

At the moment I am involved in several projects (and responsibilities), I really can’t afford creating more samples for anything for now.

BrUnO_XaVIeR For 5.1? )

Waiting for Epic Games to update plugins.

There are a whole lot of migration issues with Unreal 5.4, so the plugin for this engine version is going to take a while to update.

I am still reviewing the hundreds of error messages I’m getting when compiling the project.

Just saw this was updated recently and looking to hop back into using it again! I was curious if you have any plans to continue on the C# side at some point?

Also now that I’ve been using it a little bit today, is it possible to disable to IntelliSense/autocomplete until its fixed so its not interfering with navigation commands? I’ll be typing something out and then don’t realize the little window is open and go to move back or a new line and it will sometimes fire a correction I couldn’t see. If not more than happy to be able to use this again thank you for the awesome plugin!

Development on this is halted for now due to ‘interesting’ policies of my current employer. I want to continue the C# binding one day, but I also want to own my work when I decide to do it ^^

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