Hello, So I’m trying to make a wall for example, if i change the tiling size it will look horrible resulting a repetitive pattern for the static mesh.
As usual, i tried to create a new material and paste the same megascan texture im wanting to use, And add Macro variation for it to look better. It seems to not work and i’m stuck with tile pattern is there a way to fix it ?
( I tried creating material instance from the original material I made but it would still not work )
So you made a new material? ( just using the textures )
yea, made a new material for my building, using megascan textures
The picture helps
Macro variation won’t help a tiling pattern in the normal, which is what you have there.
A few things to try
Use a noise pattern to change the flatness of the normal
Blend between different normals
Use a material layer blend to break it up a bit
Use the UE variation node
Interested to hear how you did it in the end
I did but I didn’t really doit professionally or the method itself is ugly, I did what was in the video link you sent me but it’s a really bad way to doit, in the video the guy just rotated the textures randomly and filled the crossing patterns with some fog or whatever mesh that looked like mud to hide the ugliness.
It’s either I don’t understand or you can provide me a way that works better. something that would look beautiful like the macro variation in landscaping. perhaps i can get a video of you doing this? or any other tutorial?
I’ve got a tutorial here with quite a few different ways to do it (you don’t need the plugin, the concepts work for anything).
In the end, the easiest thing, is just to use another wall. Because it’s fairly rare that normals tile too noticeably.
What you could try, if you’re very enthusiastic, is the same trick that applied to albedo in the Epic start content materials, but apply it to normals.
I mean the materials with the macro variation, like
Thanks For both of you, after a lot of research I managed to study it and also replicate some of the work.
But I used another trick, I found someone who had a texture variation node preset, I copied it and did some adjusting and it turned out great like I wanted it, Although I will try your methods and see which is better. I’m really thankful for your collaboration guys