So it appears that my simple macro makes the game unable to build:
LogBlueprint:Error: [compiler h_Spawner] Error The type of Target Array is undetermined. Connect something to Get Random Array Element to imply a specific type.
[2015.11.21-13.25.14:261][ 0]LogInit:Display: LogBlueprint:Error: [compiler h_Spawner] Error The type of Item is undetermined. Connect something to Get Random Array Element to imply a specific type.
In order to get around it, I just had to take the contents of the macro and put it in my blueprint. But that sort of defeats the purpose as I fetch a random element from an array in different places which would make a macro ideal.
I’ve had the exact same issue while using the same macro in v4.10. It’s causing the packaging process to fail. And the error message appears even if all the array connections are made correctly and working both in PIE and standalone.
Please attach your packaging as a .txt file to your next reply. With that being said, would you mind either a.) including your blueprint example or b.) providing the full blueprint example. I’d also like to see if you have any compiling or saving errors as well.
Thank you for your help with finding this bug. I have submitted a . You can reference the bug as UE-23933. Please feel free to check in on this bug in the future.