Unreal Editor keeps hanging all over the place on my 15" Late 2013 Macbook Pro. This is happening in every version after 4.12.
I have tried fresh installing macOS, running the editor alone without other software installed without success.
I have installed various Cuda drivers. Still no luck.
I have tried to install previous versions of UE with previous versions of OSX. No success, since from 4.13 and onward I am struggling with unstable Unreal Engine versions, that just used to crash. This is something entirely new.
The editor keeps hanging at random intervals, even when doing simple tasks like adding a node to a blueprint, saving or switching folders in the content browser. It doesn’t seem to be affected by the size of the project. I can’t seem to recreate the problem or pinpoint what causes it. You can work fine for a whole day and the next day it hangs after 4-5 clicks, no matter what you do. I tried doing one thing in the editor (only placing meshes or only creating materials), it doesn’t care, it just hangs when it feels like it. I tried reducing the resolution, disabling real time everywhere, from thumbnails to the material editor. I tried working with an empty vault, with projects without starting content. I tried running the editor without any USB device attached. I literally have tried almost everything but I can’t get a UE to work, stable, as in 1-2 crashes per day. Crashes not hangs.
This problem started appearing a few versions back but now it happens so often it renders the Unreal Engine useless. As an IT pro troubleshooting things is what I do for a living, but this makes no sense at all.
No other software has issues on my MBP. None. Also all the hardware diagnostics check out nothing is wrong with my laptop.
Please help, I’m halfway through my project and I can’t work with the editor anymore.