MacOS build UnrealEngine5.3 from source : shaderCompileWorker missing from UE5 (Mac).xcworkspace

Hi, I followed the official UE5

Downloaded source code fine, git switch 5.3 was also good. Then I also succeeded with these two commands:

  • :white_check_mark: ./Setup.command
  • :white_check_mark: ./GenerateProjectFiles.command

When I double-click the UE5 (Mac).xcworkspace file, Xcode opens, cannot see selectable ShaderCompileWorker for My Mac target in the title bar. “Build” greyed-out under Product menu.

Please see screenshot of my Xcode, with “Engine” folder open, symlink UnrealEditor (Mac).xcodeproj is red (and nothing happens if I double-click on it).

Here’s an update which may help other devs with current Xcode (16.2).

On another post, I found a link to MaxVersion to build 5.3:

if (RuntimePlatform.IsMac)
MinVersion = “14.1.0”;
MaxVersion = “15.9.9”;

Still working on a solution that doesn’t involve downgrading Xcode.

Another update: tried a hacky workaround and edited the Mac config file to allow Xcode 16. It did get work to an extent, I was able to run./GenerateProjectFiles.command without error, and all the folders appeared which was huge!. But Product->build failed.

Then I found in Reddit:
Unreal Engine 5.3 doesn’t support Xcode 16.2 or macOS 15 (both of which I have)

I can delete Xcode 16 and try brew install Xcode 15, but on the App Store that is not obvious how to install a previous version, I cannot change my OS backwards.

If there are any UE staff reading this, is there any way to build UE5.3 (or 5.4 or 5.5) build-from-source on Sequoia15 and Xcode 16?