Mac User Throwing Assertion Error - Unreal Editor

Installed Unreal 4.23.1 for a class on a Mac, was able to use Unreal Editor for 3 weeks, (blocking out a level) before it would throw crash report when loading Unreal editor at 18%. Always got an Xgen metallic error when using Editor. What can I do to resolve this? I already looked through this particular forum and could not find a similar problem.

Thanks anyone

Greetings @BungisMaster

Welcome to the Unreal Engine Forums! I’d be happy to look into this issue for you. What is the full error message that receiving? (Any log is helpful as well if you have one hand)

Thanks for replying. I actually tried Unreal 4.24.3, but got the same error. Here’s a screenshot of the window, thanks again.

Thanks @BungisMaster! Could you copy and paste that error? The first line is missing some of the end of the actual error we’re looking at. Thank you!

Here you go:

Fatal error: [File:/Users/build/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Private/ShaderCompiler/ShaderCompiler.cpp] [Line: 4697] Failed to compile global shader TSlateElementPSColorFonttruetrueA . Enable ‘r.ShaderDevelopmentMode’ in ConsoleVariables.ini for retries.

Thanks! There a was an older thread where another user was having this problem(It leads to a second thread I believe) where there was some information that may have resolved this. Here’s a link to the post. It will lead you to that second thread that I’d recommend as well. Try those methods first. If it remains unresolved, post back and we can go from there.

Alrighty, I’ll check it out.

Good deal! Let me know how it goes. Thanks!

Hey @FrostyJas, I tried running xcodebuild -runFirstLaunch in my terminal, but that did not help. I reinstalled the Epic Games Launcher and neither did that. If we can’t figure this out, I could just try reinstalling Unreal 4, or install it on my previous laptop, which was an HP Windows.

I see. I was planning to recommend reinstalling from scratch if you were unable to resolve it from there. You could also try going to the deafultengine.ini file and see if ray tracing is enabled. If so, try disabling that and run again. If it fail, uninstall completely and reinstall. (Also ensure that all of your drivers are up to date)

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Real quick, will uninstalling my version of Unreal 4 from my Epic Games Library completely uninstall it so that I can reinstall from scratch, or is there more involved. I just uninstalled it from my library

You did it correctly. You can select to remove/uninstall from the library. Then you’ll just need to reinstall from there.

I installed Unreal version 4.19.2 and it seems to work fine for now. Didn’t even get a metal shader error message or anything, and no failure to read Xcode. I’ll mark this reply as the solution. I’ll let you know if I spoke too soon, and thanks a lot for the help @FrostyJas, really appreciate your time.

You’re most welcome @BungisMaster! I’m happy that you got it fixed. Take care!

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