Mac Server Log Critical Error

Im using the latest release of the source code (4.24.1) and I’m trying to create a dedicated server on a mac for mac.
If i use the project launcher in the editor then i can create a dedicated server that starts but it won’t add BeaconNetDriver to the server even though I’ve specified so.
This is from DefaultEngine.ini:



and in .Build.cs ive added the following modules:

PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "OnlineSubsystem", "OnlineSubsystemUtils" });

I think this should be correct?

So i also tried to build with UAT from the terminal with the following code:


# navigate to UnrealEngine directory
cd /Users/name/Documents/GitHub/UnrealEngine

# Run automation tool to cook content and package
#  - to cook just specific maps, add -map= followed by the names of all maps to cook, separating map names with a '+' as one long string
#       e.g. -map=Start+Ruins+TutorialCherry
#  - to do a clean build, add the -clean flag.
./Engine/Build/BatchFiles/RunUAT.command BuildCookRun -project=/Users/name/Documents/UnrealProjects/NetworkTest/NetworkTest.uproject -noP4 -clientconfig=Development -serverconfig=Development -utf8output -platform=Mac -server -serverplatform=Mac -targetplatform=Mac -maps=AllMaps -build -compile -cook -unversionedcookedcontent -compressed -stage -package -cmdline=map-002 -Messaging -prereqs -archive -archivedirectory=/Users/name/Documents/UnrealProjects/NetworkTest/BUILDS -pak -prereqs

and when i run that build the server crashes on start up and gives the following error:

[2019.12.25-21.34.53:777][  0]LogMac: === Critical error: ===
SIGABRT: abort() called

[2019.12.25-21.34.53:777][  0]LogMac: 

0x664b7246 libdyld.dylib!dyld_stub_binder()   [UnknownFile]) 
0x0bbe0000 NetworkTest!initWithCodeType:baseAddress:size:name:uuid:version:compatibility:.hex()   [UnknownFile]) 
0x09cd95b4 NetworkTest!InitGamePhys()   [UnknownFile]) 
0x06d5e2cd NetworkTest!FEngineLoop::PreInitPreStartupScreen(char16_t const*)   [UnknownFile]) 
0x06d57bad NetworkTest!GuardedMain(char16_t const*)   [UnknownFile]) 
0x06d6b82f NetworkTest!-[UE4AppDelegate runGameThread:]   [UnknownFile]) 
0x0766b091 NetworkTest!-[FCocoaGameThread main]   [UnknownFile]) 
0x31690788 Foundation!__NSThread__start__()   [UnknownFile]) 
0x666bce65 libsystem_pthread.dylib!_pthread_start()   [UnknownFile]) 
0x666b883b libsystem_pthread.dylib!thread_start()   [UnknownFile]) 

Am i missing something or is there a bug?


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