August 23, 2014, 6:01am
HI Epic Team
i created the project from Win 7
and i copied to Mac for Packaging to iOS Device(iPad Air)
(in fact i did it on the other project and it was work fine)
but it always crash on open project with Mac
Mac Device Detail:
MacbookPro OSX 10.9.4
processor:Intel Core i7 2.3 GHz
memory: 8GB
graphic card:
Intel HD Graphics 4000(build in)
NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M
Here are the crash report file
link text
There’s a bung fragment shader somewhere in 4.4 - you can see in the log that the shaders aren’t being successfully linked into a program object because the vertex shader doesn’t write to the HIT_PROXY_ID semantic. We’ll look into this.
August 27, 2014, 6:19am
I test same project and try to figure out.
I notice two things cause crash reasons.
First one is Foliage
I created lot Grass(From SpeedTree)with Foliage(about 2000+ instances)
Delete Foliage and fix first one problem.
second one is “BP_Random_Foliage”
This is a asset BP and copied from BlueprintExsamples of MarketPlace
i delete all BP_Random_Foliage and project will not crash again
I don’t know it is bugs or i did something wrong
anyway, thank you read and help .