Mac (OSX) App crashing?


I have a windows project that works fine that I have converted to my mac. After converting, I open the project up on my mac and make sure everything is working fine in editor and it does. The only problem I am facing is that I cannot rebuild lighting? (I have no clue why; When I try the editor crashes and listed about 20 .dylib files that say filename not found???) I have no clue what those are, how to relink them or find them, and how to pass this error.

-Side note: I have also tried generating a code project and when I try to build the lighting from there it stops exporting lighting data at 40% and brings up the same error in xcode but doesn’t crash; I know nothing about xcode and how to fix this issue.-

Anyway, I can still do everything else, so I package the project and it runs fine on my new high end Macbook Pro, but when I try the app on my old Macbook Pro, after a few minutes trying to load the app it crashes with the attached text

Can anyone guide me into either fixing the build lighting process for this uproject so that it packages right, or the reason for the crash of the app on the lower end macbook pro so I can fix that? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Hi ,

Previously I responded here: Editor crashes on launch: filename not found in UE4Editor-Core.dylib, that the reason your project runs on the newer MacBook pro vs the older one is that the older one is running Open GL 3.3, which on Macs is not comparable with UE4. This is generally true, however, theoretically if you took precautions not to add any rendering elements to your game that required Open GL 4.1 (reflections, etc.) you could possible produce a project to be played on a lower end device with UE4.

In order to isolate this as being the case you will have to eliminate the “missing dylib files” error. The closest thread I’ve seen to providing a resolution for this beyond the AnswerHub post above is this forum thread:

Compiling windows project on OSX - “The following modules are missing or built with a different …”

Try following the instructions posted by jeff_lamarche and see if that resolves the errors in your Mac build. Alternatively, you can run a test by making a copy of your project where you remove all but one simple light source for each level and see if that plays on the lower end device.
