Hey, i’ve found an issue, where if you drag a UI window, then immediately after try to switch a space, the UI for Unreal Engine 4 continues to follow you no matter what space you switch to. I’ve also had an instance where the window I dragged became blank apart from the Close and Minimise icons, and the window title (in a faint grey colour). More specifically, this was triggered and reliably repeated when viewing the Sample Content, when I drag a separate window for the Blueprint_WallSconce asset.
I’d have to double check tomorrow, but I’m pretty sure that the problem with blank window was found by our QA and the fix ready is already tested to make sure it didn’t break something else. Not sure when will it be ready for release, but shouldn’t be long. As for the other problem we will try to reproduce and hopefully fix very soon as well. Thanks for reporting this! I’ll keep you posted.
Great. I don’t know if you’ve caught this issue as well, and i’m having issues understanding what it’s doing specifically, but switching spaces can also cause the key bindings to become confused. For example, scene panning with the mouse suddenly changes it’s binding so left click zooms the view in and out. It happens with keyboard keys as well as the mouse.
Additionally, it can also prevent Spaces from functionally correctly (switching between full-screen apps, seeing all the spaces available), until the editor window is moved around, which seems to resolve the issue once it occurs.
We’ve seen this a while back, but I thought it got fixed The problem was that OS X sometimes “eats” key up events for modifier keys, but either we’re not handling all such cases yet, or we have some other bug that causes similar behavior. We’ll investigate this as soon as possible.