Mac OS Ventura + Unreal5.2: Renaming and value changing/clicking issues: Is anyone else encountering this?

Mac OS Ventura 13.4.1
Unreal Editor 5.2.1-26001984+++UE5+Release-5.2

I thought to ask whether anyone else is having this issue before raising a formal bug report.

I don’t mind embarrassing myself by admitting I’m having this problem if it means I find the solution, or am reassured I’m not crazy. And yes, I do know how a mouse works and how to click it, but I am having terrible trouble getting many basic things to respond, it’s very frustrating and holds up my workflow.

Sometimes to rename something I have to click multiple times, and I’ve tried clicking quickly, slowly, a couple of times, a few times, multiple times, and I am not even sure what combination results in the rename field finally turning deep blue so I can do the rename.

The F2 (fn+F2 on my Mac) rename feature only seems to work on some occasions. Sometimes the name field flashes active then disappears. Same with context menu rename.

Similar with parameter value boxes. Click click click wait wonder scratch head click then suddenly the field turns dark blue and I can edit the value.

I’ve tried clicking on the value (or name) next to inside the field, on the border of the field, you name it, any combination of clicks, and somehow, mostly after some seconds, finally the field becomes editable. All over the user interface, lots of various cases with slightly different responses, but I can’t easily edit names of parameters, macros, or values of parameters easily. And same issue sometimes in Game Mode with exposed parameters.

I’ve tried different mice, track pad, makes no difference.

I have no such issues with any other applications on my Mac, it’s specific to Unreal 5.2

If someone answers simply with “Yes, I’m experiencing this too on my Mac” (with the same or similar Mac OS and Unreal 5.2 versions) I’ll accept that as an answer then I’ll make a formal bug report, maybe with a screencast of the issue for the devels.

If someone answers with a link to a formal bug report or can confirm they have already raised a formal but report (many thanks if you have), I’ll accept that also as an answer to the question (and wait for it to be fixed by the devels).

Update: I have made progress with this by reducing the double-click speed under Pointer Control → Mouse & Trackpad → Double-click speed