Mac Issues - Mouse selection moves up the screen

Whenever I select one of the values bars on the sub menus on the right, the selection moves up to the top of the window, like my TAB key is jammed.

I tried clicking once and double clicking. I can only right click, but then clicking off makes it move up to the top of the screen again. The only way I can use the values is to type something in TextEdit, copy the selection, right click in UE, then paste it into the window.

I have uninstalled the application 3 times, and even used 4.8.3 and 4.9!

It still does the same thing.

What is the issue?

Hi Red Vanquish,

I have not been able to reproduce the issue on our Mac here, however, I may not be accessing the same menus you are talking about. Can you post a screenshot and highlight the submenu fields you are trying to access?


Hi Red Vanquish,

Since we haven’t heard back from you in a while, I am closing this for tracking purposes. However, if you are still experiencing this issue and want this investigated further, please respond with the requested screenshots to ensure I am testing the correct menus in question.
