I’m encountering an issue in my main project that I’ve been able to recreate in a blank project on my Mac (running OS 10.13.1).
I use blueprint nodes to set the game to full screen (not windowed) and then use keyboard buttons to set the resolution to any of the entries returned in the array from Get Supported Fullscreen Resolutions.
My finding is that all of the resolution changes end up scaling squeezing the rendered area of the screen depending on the minimum resolution encountered so far. For example, it starts in my native resolution 1920x1200, and so if I set the resolution to 1344x756 I get black bars at the side which is somewhat understandable:
The thing is, if I now “go up” a resolution, for example, back to 1920x1200, the following occurs:
Reloading the application fixes it of course, providing you can apply the change you want. But in my User Interface that gets quite challenging, because the mouse cursor seems to be offset by the black bars on the top and left, and furthermore, its interaction is clipped to the rendered rect, so in the last picture, if my Apply or accept buttons are anywhere in the bottom or right of the screen, they are unclickable anyway.
The end effect of this, is that it is totally possible for the user to get themselves into a mess where they are at a low resolution and unable to increase it, unless they first put it into windowed mode, change the resolution there, and put it back into fullscreen.