I’m running on a 2013 macbook air (admittedly not best for this but it’s gotten me by) and I cannot open any projects in 4.7.3. I can create a new project, but moment editor actually starts to open up it freezes at 95 or 96%. Oddly enough some projects do run, I can do blueprint spaceship one, but basic C++ or blueprint fps just don’t open.
Hi dizzykiwi3,
Can you give me specs of your machine? Go to Apple menu and select About This Mac, and copy/paste all of that information here (minus Serial Number). Please include OSX version you’re using. Thanks!
Yosemite 10.10.2
MacBook Air (13-inch, Mid 2013)
Processor 1.3 GHz Intel Core i5
Memory 8GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Graphics Intel HD Graphics 5000 1536 MB
How long does it freeze for? It’s possible it’s just taking time to generate DDC. Are you creating project With Starter Content? Are you creating project on an external drive rather than boot SSD?
Not on an external drive and with starter content and scalable graphics. I’m rather confident its not just taking a long time, but I can give it another shot
I believe you’re running into same problem found here:
Try using Terminal commands found in Answer and saving it in a text file, then attach it here.
For now, cause seems to be something with Starter Content. If you begin a project without it, you should be able to get started.
Okay, so a few weird things happened. 1 is that yes you were right about no adding started content and im super mad at myself for not trying that earlier 2 I can not run them with starter content option, it just doesn’t actually load starter content and instead there’s just a black nothingness in project 3 I just attempted to recreate it again but now its freezing again. I don’t know if I did instructions for text document correctly but here it is. link text
But regardless thanks so much for help!
I’m not sure I understand #2. What did you have to do to get that to happen?
And with #3, are you saying that starting a new project without starter content is freezing as well, now?
2 and 3 are related, and trying again now I seem to have done it again.
Basically I include starter content but it doesn’t include it, but it does run. It seems to alternate between running and not including and just not loading.
A possibly related issue is that when I do get it to run and i drag in starter content from a 4.6 project into folder, I can see it in editor but as soon as I click on it, editor freezes.
Hi dizzykiwi3,
Sorry for delay in response. Can you try updating to 4.7.4 and seeing if this still occurs for you? Thanks!
So no more crashing issues, but I still have no starter content issue, even when I try to add starter content from 4.6 it just doesn’t seem to register. This is what I get when I try to load something with starter content
Hey dizzykiwiw3,
Have you tried using ‘Add New’ button within content browser, and add starter content pack that way?
Add New Button
After selecting this choice, then select correct content pack.
This will make sure content you are adding to your 4.7 project has no compatibility issues.
Hopefully this works for you, but if you still need more help let us know.
Thank you,
Oh awesome I didn’t know that was a feature, that’s worked! Thank you so so much for sticking with me for so long xD