M1 Mac, Errors when opening VR Template: 5.3

I just managed to make a little bit of progress on this issue. I created a Virtual Production project, since it also supports VR stuff – or at least is used for VR-related production.

This type of project opened!

So, next I decided that I would maybe try copying some of the .ini files from the Virtual Production project into my VR Game project, and I was able to get it to open! However, it isn’t rendering properly, presumably because something is wrong with the RHI settings or something along those lines. I’m going to diff those files and see if I can figure out what the primary offender is. Maybe we can get some better help if we can narrow down what the actual offending setting is.

For anyone else that wants to try what I did for your own troubleshooting purposes, just replace the (4) files in your VR Game’s Project/Config folder with the same ones from the Virtual Production project.

Also curious, is that any time I close the Unreal Editor and even the Epic Games Launcher, there is always a related process left behind running called Engine/Binaries/Mac/UnrealTraceServer fork.

Doing a:

ps -ax | grep Unreal

at the Terminal revealed that after shutting down all of the Epic software.