Lyra Starter Game with Version Control, Multi-User editing and sharing the whole project with collaborators

So it seems Lyra starter game has a bit of a unique quirk.

[for reference] i am using lyra starter game as a base for my game. i am collaborating with 1 other person on this project. we have a revision/version control set up called “diversion” (from the marketplace) we are working remotely so in order to do multi-user editing we have to run under the same VPN and the service we use for this is Hamachi. (We are both running Unreal Engine 5.4)

Back to my question.
So, I’m trying to share the project with my other collaborator. originally, i sent him the zipped project file that you get from File>Zip Project in Unreal. We discovered that it didn’t actually zip all the project files. in fact, we found a read me document in the files that read:

"When downloading Lyra Source code from git, the content folders are not included.

To make use of the Lyra source code, you will need to download the content from the Unreal Marketplace through the Epic Games Launcher.

For more information please visit the Unreal Engine Lyra documentation

Once installed, simply copy the content folder inside your solution directory and you should be good to go."

So, that’s normal? this tells me that we can’t make changes to the stuff that’s in that content folder and also have our version control system even sync it? is this true?

I won’t lie, the read me file SEEMS easy enough to understand but i feel like I’m just stupid enough to not get it. This is my interpretation of it: (please correct me if I’m wrong)
It’s telling me that the collaborator I’m working on this project with needs to download lyra starter game from the marketplace, create a project with lyra, track down the actual content folder in his computer from that newly created project. copy the contents within that content folder. then go to the zipped project i sent him (the actual game we are trying to work on together) find the content folder that is in that project and paste into there? (doing this avoids having 2 content folders in a path like content>content)

Terms in the read me that i don’t understand are “solution directory” Idk what this is

Also on this note, what if i made a change to some of those files in the project? following those instructions would 100% not give us the same project right? Wouldn’t it be better for me to just go to my project’s folder that has everything in it, zip all of it and send that to him? that way there is no mistake that my collaborator has the exact same everything that i have? (THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT WE DID WHEN I SENT HIM THE PROJECT) (so if this is wrong then i guess i need to have him delete everything and i send him the project another way.)

Yesterday we finally got everything set up where me and my collaborator were in the same project using multi-user editing together BRIEFLY

once we celebrated the excruciating 8 straight hours of trial and error to get to that point, it quickly came to an end when we tried to open the content drawer in the editor. Unreal Engine crashed immediately when i did that. we opened it again, got reconnected to a multi-user session and i added a cube to a level (i think the shooter gym level) verified if my collaborator could see it. (He could) and i deleted it and opened the content drawer and unreal crashed again. Since this happened, we haven’t been able to connect to multi-user editing since.

Did me adding the cube change the files and that’s why we can’t reconnect? Did we corrupt something? i have a feeling our files are to blame for this, but I’m also not sure about our version control system. i have a feeling it’s not acting normally either.

Any broad advice would be helpful on this situation.
1.) Is there a better way to send projects to collaborators aside from file>zip Project?
2.) Does Source/Version Control look at and sync these new files we manually added to our content folder?
3.) Any Idea why Unreal would crash instantly when we try to open the content drawer in the editor?
4.) Any idea why after those crashes, we wouldn’t be able to connect to each other again?
5.) I’m scared to test my version control, in fear that we would have to re upload and download the entire project again if somehow it doesn’t do its job. Should i quit being a baby and test it anyway?

Thanks for the read and hope you have an awesome day!