Lyra Sprint Animatin BP issue - Cant find where to turn off the "aim/Walk" overlay

I have setup a sprint ability with the Game-play Ability System, the player moves faster as expected when i press the button. the issue is, he does not play the run animation, it plays the walk animation and it looks silly, sort of a speed walk. I’m fairly certain the issue is that its getting the tag form GAS and somewhere in the ABP_Mannequin_Base, its saying play the walk animation. Any help here would be great. Thanks

It all depends on how you decided to enable walking for the character.
We use a gameplay tag in ABP_Mannequin_Base, then the animations are chosen in ABP_ItemLayers.
I made a few videos on the subject.
They are in French, but maybe it will be useful to you.

Unreal Engine Lyra Tutorial Fr

Thank you Khalmet for trying to assist. Great tutorial by the way :). Unfortunately i had no success, i must have missed a step. I will post a video of what is going on in my project.

Your settings are good.
But, your character starts in run mode.
If you want the walk to be activated as a base, it will depend on the tag, in the input and the ability.
As a tip, make an ability, GA_Walk. :wink:

Walking Ability

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Thank you! i will try that :slight_smile: