LYRA single player: static assignment of models to teams

Question is about LYRA single-player:
I want the player to be always Model 1, his companion - Model 2, the opponents’ team - Model 3 and Model 4.
Can anybody suggest strategy for implementation without diving into C++ programming, please?
Thank you!

Solution was found based on default characters assignment order in Lyra game (for default option 2 vs 2 players: first - model assigned to Player, then - character in opponents team, then - mate in your team, and after - character in the opponents team again). Accordingly, you need just to check how many actors of particular model were spawned and if zero - spawn them in that order.
The logic is realised as follows (B_PeakRandomCharacter/Event Graph):

seem s really complicated for something we just want the teamID to match the skin

i will try to dive in the C++ seem s could be less complicated than hacking the random order