Lyra Replay System Doesn't Work In Multiplayer??

Hi everyone, In Lyra 5.3 a replay system was introduced. This works great out the box and does what is expected, but the problem is that only works in standalone games (where you are the server). In lyra when you start a game from the main menu it isn’t a multiplayer game but a standalone one, which is why the replay comes back very smooth with no issues.

But if you record gameplay in the ShooterGym map as a client (meaning you have no authority and are not the server), then the replay system is kind of a mess. There are 2 main issues I have noticed, if you switch weapons the AnimLayer doesn’t get shown in the recording (the player just maintains an APose) and the equipping and unequipping montages that should play when switching weapons do not get played. Secondly, once you switch to a different weapon from your initial weapon, then no weapon effects work anymore (muzzle fire, tracer effect, impact effect, decal etc).

This can all be reproduced from the Lyra installed from the epic game marketplace. Allow replays in the settings, change the map to the ShooterGym map, run as a client, do what ever you want during the run and then check the replay. You should have the same issues I mentioned.

I am not sure if this is a bug or functionality that hasn’t been implemented yet, but can anyone help me solve this issues, I have tried but endup going nowhere, and there seems to be nothing online about this.

For the APose issue, I currently suspect that it is either because of the FFastArraySerializer that the equipment manager uses to keep track of the equipment, or that the equipment instances are UObjects and replicated using

if (IsUsingRegisteredSubObjectList() && IsReadyForReplication())

It is possible that DemoNetDriver doesn’t support these, because the equipment works perfectly in normal gameplay with the OnRep functions being called, but in the replay it is weird in the sense that the OnRep function gets called (at least logs are shown), but no actual change to the state of the game is applied (Link Anim Layer Class does nothing, and the equip/unequip montage does not play).