Lyra project - Multiple game targets found for project. can't package/build the game - what do?

You are trying to access the Lyra project source code?

The steps in this thread fixes building the project as blueprint. You need to follow the steps I’ve posted NOT what other people have posted as there are a lot of wrong information. Ignore those posts use only the information from my posts.

Once you get them all right you can build the project as it is without changing any setting. It will build the full game and will work on your computer.

Once you have it working like this there are additional steps to be done to access the game source code. because there are a lot of C++ files that are used to drive the game. Most of the blueprints in the project have C++ as parents.

I’ve build the project successfully both as a blueprint and as C++ project but you need to get all the steps right.

To have the C++ source code, after you have build it successfully as blueprint. (the steps above) then you go to the Lyra folder and delete the following folders (if exists)

.vs, Binaries, Build, Intermediate, Saved

then you double click on LyraStarterGame.uproject you get a message that stuff needs to be build because is missing. You click OK and let it do its stuff. It will appear that nothing is done, no window no nothing on screen, you will let it be as much as it takes (it may take some time). Don’t double click or anything till the editor will open with the project.

Then you close the editor and the project. Right click on LyraStarterGame.uproject and chose Generate Visual studio project files. Again it will take some time. When Visual Studio will open (I don’t recall if it does this automatically, I think it opens automatically) DO NOT TOUCH anything. there will appear to be a lot of errors and stuff. is notmal, visual studio is linking stuff behind and it takes a lot of time. You can click on the small spining icon in the left down side of visual studio to see what its doing.

After it finishes everything will be ok no errors, you can see the lyra source code, you can build the game everything.

You need to do all the steps I’ve posted and ignore others posts in this thread really