Lyra project - Multiple game targets found for project. can't package/build the game - what do?

no, this is not correct, don’t do this

this lyra project contains different code/modules that can be build separately if one wants to do that.

you can build single player games,

you can also build multiplayer games which are split in two parts.

One build will create the files the user downloads and a second build will create files that go on the server. That second part is the EOS you have renamed

The “EOS” part from that file stands for Epic Online Services

You are just breaking the project by renaming that file as you will have a bad time trying to configure the project to build for multiplayer if you need this

Epic was a bit tricky with this project as is not a project for beginners. Is quite complex. Is good because it shows you a lot of stuff but the lack of tutorials for now is a downsize.

Also, this thread deal with only managing to successfully build the project if you only want to use blueprints.

There are additional steps to follow to have the project open correctly inside Visual Studio and be able to edit and change the code behind the project