Hello Everyone,
Does anyone know how to make my player character spawn in the same place every time?
Instead of Random spawn points.
Thanks in advance!
Hello Everyone,
Does anyone know how to make my player character spawn in the same place every time?
Instead of Random spawn points.
Thanks in advance!
You can notice that the levels contain multiple character spawners. If you remove them and only keep one for each team, the character will spawn in your designated location and not in a random location.
Thank you for your response.
Even if I only put 2 player starts on the map sometimes lyra chooses one side of the map and then the other.
I tried with tags but can’t get it to work.
I’m trying to make a Co-op against AI, so I need to find a way to tell where the players start when starting the game.
I’m doing a basic C++ course but don’t know enough about it yet to just go and modify the LyraProject.
My teams creation has succeeded in C++ thanks to this forum thanks for that
I think i have to do it in TDM_PlayerSpawningManagmentComponent.cpp in C++
but cant get it to work grrr
I see, well if you create your own GameModeBase, you can override its ChoosePlayerStart or FindPlayerStart functions and use GetAllActors to loop through all PlayerStarts in the level and pick the one you wish to spawn at.
Is it correctly understood that I can ONLY do this with C++?
No, this can be done through Blueprint. These are events / functions that can be overwritten.
Hi there @Kimitje1,
This topic has been moved from International to Programming & Scripting.
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Thanks and happy developing!
where are those fuction and event ?
i goes in B_LyragameMode like suggested but can t find anything inside …
big thanks if you can help
So you have modified in C++?