Lyra Jump Animation

Hi guys, So I was working on Lyra rifle animations and changed the jump animations to an animation pack I bought, So everything is going good but when I jump the rifle suddenly glitches out and glitches it, I saw the problem online, and most people are telling the problem is with sockets but I’m unable to find the solution, I have attached a video below as an example what the problem is, If anybody can tell me how to fix it it will be greatly appreciated, Thank you
2023-07-02 19-11-06.mkv (11.7 MB)

I think it’s because the rifle attaches to a “weapon_r” bone, and no other animations work well with that because it isn’t standard.

You can try making a duplicate of the jump, add a preview mesh rifle to weapon_r, rotate the bone to match however it looks in one of the existing animations, and then add a key to create a curve. That might work.