Lyra dedicated server and assets manager

Hello everyone,
I’m folliwing this procedure : Setting Up Dedicated Servers in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.5 Documentation | Epic Developer Community
I just cooked the server and clients assets for my project working on lyra.
It eventually and successfully cooked, but I’m now having another asset manager issue when starting server.
Here are the server logs:

[2024.12.15-20.45.50:935][  0]LogStats: BuiltInGameFeaturePlugins loaded. -  0.113 s
[2024.12.15-20.45.50:935][  0]LogLyra: Display: Startup job "InitializeGameplayCueManager()" starting
[2024.12.15-20.45.50:936][  0]LogLyra: Display: Startup job "InitializeGameplayCueManager()" took 0.00 seconds to complete
[2024.12.15-20.45.50:936][  0]LogLyra: Display: Startup job "GetGameData()" starting
[2024.12.15-20.45.50:936][  0]LogLyra: Loading GameData: /Game/DefaultGameData.DefaultGameData ...
[2024.12.15-20.45.50:936][  0]LogStats:             ... GameData loaded! -  0.000 s
[2024.12.15-20.45.50:936][  0]LogWindows: Error: appError called: Fatal error: [File:F:\Project\UE5\begodv2\Source\LyraGame\System\LyraAssetManager.cpp] [Line: 186] 
Failed to load GameData asset at /Game/DefaultGameData.DefaultGameData. Type LyraGameData. This is not recoverable and likely means you do not have the correct data to run LyraStarterGame.

It seems that it can’t load the “LyraGameData” but I don’t know where I’m supposed to set it up.
I tried to add it in the project settings > asset manager, and the problem remains.