Lyra Control points become invisible when playing level


I am modifying Lyra game to custom maps, and I am having an issue with Control Point blueprint. As soon as I run the game they all become invisible. They are neither white nor they change colour once captured…they just disappear. However once on top of one, I can still see the loading circle in colour of my team, but as soon as you capture it it disappears.

Any thoughts on what I could change to see the white, blue and red colouring at all times? Otherwise you cannot play it cuz it’s invisible :smiley:


You want the progress circle that appears over the point to remain visible?
Why?! :smile:

That’s NS_CapturePointCounter. If you bypass these I think it will remain visible.


@Astaraa Thank you. I will try this, but maybe I wasn’t completely clear.

This is the setup:

In the demo map, there are meshes around the control point which colour up, as far as I understand it’s emissive material that get’s instructions from somewhere to what colour they should turn, but here as you see in an open map I would like to keep these white marks at all times, just have them changed to whatever colour is currently dominating. I feel that would be cleaner than adding a full mesh, also more visible from afar. If that is not possible or too complicated I will have to make some kind of “pavilion” mesh around it. But if I can do it otherwise I would :slight_smile:


Ah I see what you mean, the corners.
In fact none of it behaves as expected. The default behavior could definitely be improved. It would take more digging to figure out what’s going on.

I see it destroys itself if B_ControlPointScoring isn’t valid. (present if using the control point experience) But even with that it’s not behaving as expected.

NS_CapturePoint dropped in by itself will show up with a BlendColor value of 50 (ex. 50, 0, 0, 1) and side offsets 300, 300, 300, 0. The other options don’t seem to have any effect.