Lyra, can't make actor take damage

I’ve been stuck for hours here… I can’t no matter what i try in lyra find a way to damage my blueprint. I have no clue on where it applies damage or how to reference on hit events, everything I’ve tried did not work.

I just got to the point of when I add Ability system component inside my blueprint i then get on hit effects but from there I’m still unable to find the way of how to remove the actor after it has taken damage.

Anyone have a solution on this problem?

Hi there. Lyra is hard-coded with gameplay ability system. Your custom actor need to have a few components in order to recognize damage from gameplay abilities, such as health component and gameplay ability system component. To make things easier, you actor should be a child class of Hero Shooter Character. Keep in mind Lyra is a complex project and requires good understanding of blueprint logic and Gameplay Ability System.

Here is a good starting point for understanding Lyra Ability System
Lyra Gameplay Ability System Conceptual Overview - YouTube


Take a look at this forum thread that might help you getting started.