Hey All, I tried to install the Lyra Starter Game from Fab here…
In UE 5.5 (and 5.4 and 5.3), but none of them were able to build the plugins and load the Lyra starter game.
I noticed that Lyra’s source is now included in the engine source (without the content folders)…
I was able to download and build UE5 from source, and then the Lyra project. After replacing all the various Content folders, mentioned here…
I am able to start the Lyra starter game, but the keyboard and mouse in the game don’t do anything. They keyboard and mouse are working in the menus. This is likely due to something being broken/disconnected in the Input(s). Just wondering if someone found and fix this part? If not, I can look into the Input(s) again and see if I can find the issue…