Lyra, Brand new project - Compile Errors?

Hi guys, recently decided to take the plunge and get into UE, i downloaded Lyra and have been playing around with it the past few days trying to learn the system - which is great btw!

the problem i am faced with is on every compile i have done (fresh brand new projects) i have been getting this error. Doesn’t happen in any of my other projects only for ones made using the Lyra Stating Project

Any help would be greatly appreciated, would like to figure this out before trying to flesh anything out

Hello easyskanka, thank you for posting and Welcome to the Unreal community.

While this thread is not exactly what you may be looking for, jwatte does have a few steps that managed to rectify their compile issue as well. If you are interested, feel free to read their astute solution for more details.

I hope this helps.

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