Hi, following the info in this thread ( How to make lyra starter game first person? - #10 by gazorpo ) I made a first person camera mode for the Lyra game. In clients all works fine, but in standalone or listen server mode the player anims are misbehaving.
EDIT: Further refinement of my understanding of what is happening, When I play as client the animation is fine, but when I play as a listen server the player starts off in a T pose (as seen by the shadow) but is seen as normal by the clients. When the listen server player crouches there is no change in apparent camera height. But the see them crouch. When the listen server player fires the shotgun it makes a single impact decal, similar to the rifle, but the client sees multiple decals.
And then if the listen server client looks down at the ground, tilting the camera as far towards their feet as it will go the animation suddenly snaps into place as seen by their shadow, then the camera goes up and down for a crouch, the shotgun sprays multiple decals and so on. So looking at their feet fixes the animations for the listen server.
Any ideas as to why this is happening and what I can do to try and fix it?
In this picture, the large view is the listen server player, the inset window is the client player looking at the listen server player character