Luoshuang's GPULightmass

Hi @Olegsbr ,
The code for Unreal Quixel Bridge 5.4 plugin does NOT exist🤔
Even if it did i/you cannot distribute software not belonging to Unreal without Quixel permission.
Only the binary of the plugin is distributed.
A posting some years ago here showed how the hack the code for any version by changing a line.
I have signed an Quixel NDA, so I cannot do this.

The legitimate solution would be to download Megascan content using 5.3 Bridge into a 5.3 project then upgrade project to 5.4 copy over the Megascans plugins content to 5.4 from 5.3 which would then use the 5.4 Megascans plugins.

This would bypass the need for a non-existent 5.4 Quixel Bridge plugin😁