Lumen GI and Reflections feedback thread

Again, yes and no. Not even path-tracers necessarily have caustics (due to the expense), and ray-tracing is just a mathematical operation at its’ core, not an algorithm per-se. Caustics are very hard to do because they break some of the assumptions that let real-time RT work efficiently in a scene: translucency means performing refraction calculation, so the light could bounce around a lot before leaving a surface, very expensive in a paradigm where even a single bounce of GI is very expensive.

Furthermore, caustics mean tracing rays from a diffuse surface, through a refracting/absorbing specular media, and to a light source. It’s extremely expensive to do, and a great deal of work has gone into making them renderable even on offline machines.

NVRTX has real-time caustics rendering, which I’ve tested out and reviewed. It is very technically impressive but rather finicky, which may have changed in newer updates.

No matter what, I don’t think any feature of real-time RT should be taken for granted, but especially not caustics given their complexity. Support is doubtless on the way, but it will take time.

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i wonder, if they use some fake caustics or approximations based on the normals of the selected materials, and made a more convinient version of their older way of realizing/faking caustics.

is there any chance to compare the caustics that D5 generates with a specific model with a render made with some offline render with the same model etc.?
I don´t mind good fakes, because most probably couldn´t tell the difference, especially, if they happen in real time and are constantly changing ^.^

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There’s a high level overview of how the GI is done but I couldn’t find any useful info about translucent caustics

Edit: Some (but not much) info about their caustics here: Realistic Shimmering Lighting: Real-time Caustics in D5 Render


Given that their GI looks like a mashup of GIBS (Global Illumination Based on Surfels, Frostbite’s work) and ReSTIR, I wouldn’t be surprised if they heavily borrowed from Nvidia’s real-time caustics implementation. It sounds like world-space photon mapping with screen-space splatting, which is Nvidia’s implementation more or less.

Bottom line, the quality is definitely quite impressive, and the combination of ReSTIR with surfel caching is clever.It definitely makes sense that a dedicated rendering system can support more advanced features easier than a game engine with a gigantic codebase.

Epic or D5? Epic has a caustics baker in their water plugin that’s actually quite good. Caustics approximations in general have existed as long as there’s been attempts at water rendering, but most of them are crude tiling textures or light pattern trickery.

Nvidia’s real-time implementation is a little special, because it’s sort of similar to what lumen does in GI: they actually are performing photon mapping and getting information on how light would reflect and refract, but they’re accumulating, filtering, and reprojecting it in a way that’s more complex than path-tracing. It uses a lot of rasterization, but the end result is pretty exceptional and close to the ground truth.

Yes, I have been using hardware ray tracing to obtain reflections, but the rendering speed has dropped significantly compared with Lumen.

And worryingly, hardware ray tracing is marked as obsolete, I don’t know if I can keep using it.

Another confusing thing is that although hardware ray tracing is marked as abolished, UE5.2 still updates the function of hardware ray tracing.

Hardware raytracing is not obsolete, the engine has many different hardware raytracing features (they can even be used for particle collision in Niagara), certain ones are being deprecated because they are made redundant by Lumens hardware raytracing.

You should be using the “Use Hardware Raytracing if Available” setting in the Lumen section of the project settings, not the deprecated features.

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Even though lumen uses hardware ray-tracing, it has a far more efficient implementation than the ‘standalone’ RT behavior. Smaller payload, more efficient traversal and culling, host of other things. Comparing standalone RT to lumen RT is apples and oranges, but you’d definitely get better performance out of lumen by and large.

Thanks for the Restir GI and SER optimization on driver side, the demo I showed you is actually based on ‘standalone’ RT but significantly higher quality and perform much better.

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FYI, water plugin(single layer water) is fully supported in NvRTX Caustics 5.2.1, I’m gonna give a live stream session to talk about what inside NvRTX Caustics branch:Level Up with NVIDIA

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Busy week. Came across this site and found a “Fast Path tracer”

Then a “fast GI” solution from the same guy.
Pretty darn good looking if you ask me and the performance is actually crazy good(more on that later).

That’s interesting. Super fast path tracer on my old computer - and in a web browser.

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I also did a fair bit of research into real-time PT a while ago (before NVIDIA released their RTX remix toolkit and similar). I have good news, and I have bad news.

Good news: real-time path-tracing is viable in real-time, and NVIDIA has made a branch of UE that supports it. It can, depending on hardware and scene configuration, actually be faster than lumen, but that really depends on the scene and what shaders are being called.

Bad news: path-tracing, by and large, won’t be faster than rasterization (saying this with many many caveats), for a few different reasons, but one of them is occupancy.

(Super technical here, also very simplified):


When rendering a scene (and if I misunderstand a computer graphics concept someone please call me out), the pixel shaders in your graphics card are provided information about the scene from buffers (normal, albedo, etc), and perform math to calculate a lighting value. The color of the metal and its’ specularity and its’ normal are computed with a lighting vector to generate a specular highlight, just as an example. Every pixel shader is working simultaneously in some functional block, and every pixel shader would have to finish their task before that functional block could receive new instructions (again, massive simplification by someone who isn’t a graphics programmer). When the pixel shaders are performing simple lighting math, like a specular highlight (N.L), they all generally finish up at roughly the same time, which means the entire functional block isn’t stalled out waiting for just a few pixel shaders to finish up.

Path-tracing, however, isn’t like that.
If you were to path-trace a scene, the visibility and direct lighting portion of the rendering (direct light and shadow) wouldn’t be too different from rasterization in either the look or the performance. But once you start tracing rays for indirect lighting, things get very messy. Maybe a ray will bounce into a light source and resolve with very little computational time. Maybe a ray will shoot off into a distant portion of the scene and take forever to finish. Since all the rays are traversing the scene in very different ways, suddenly your occupancy gets really wonky, and most of that functional block could be stalled out waiting for those long rays to resolve themselves.

And there’s also the issue of coherence, where ray-tracing a scene requires a lot of data, more than can be fit into your GPU’s cache at any one time. If a ray is traversing the scene and suddenly realizes it doesn’t have the data to figure out what it actually hit, then it has to pull that data from the (much slower) GPU memory, which again, stalls out the GPU, and creates what’s known as ‘cache-thrashing’ as memory is brought in and out of GPU cache to render a scene.

And then there’s still the cost and issues with shader coherence, which I won’t get into, but it’s another can of worms.

That demo running on Shadertoy basically runs into none of these issues because it’s small. Don’t get me wrong, it’s definitely using some inventive and intelligent sampling algorithms, but if all you have in your scene is a light, three spheres, and a cube, you can easily fit that into cache, and it won’t cost much of anything to traverse. But when you have massive scenes with billions of triangles, that cost explodes. You suddenly need really powerful algorithms to cut those costs down, and even they can only do so much. Then there’s a conversation about culling and BVH construction methods and skinned geometry support and a whole lot else.

Lumen does everything it can to avoid all the problems real-time PT suffers from. Their tracing rays from probes keeps traversal cost predictable and low. Caching GI to textures lets them reuse data and avoid crazy occupancy issues, and denoising means they can do a lot with very little. Even NVIDIA’s real-time path-tracer still uses plenty of caches and denoising trickery.

You could probably easily make a 60FPS path-tracer game on console, if the scene were trivial. Game scenes are complex though, which generally puts them above what the current technology can handle. With more progress in denoising, intelligent sampling, memory management, who knows, but that’s the current state of the art.

None of this is meant as a criticism of your desire, I still really want real-time PT and I can’t wait until everyone has it. These are just the current roadblocks that stop us from being there.


I’ll keep things tidy :slight_smile:


Could you help me understand how voxels would be able to solve the cost that comes from traversing larger data sets?

Conveniently, the fine people at NVIDIA (among many, many others who have worked on the problem), had the same thought. If a ray exceeds a certain distance traversed, it has a few different options. It can A. Call a hit and return no lighting (resulting in over-occlusion under some circumstances) B. Call a hit and return a skybox color (resulting in light-leaking under some circumstances) or C. sample a nearby probe or coarser data structure (these are the general approaches at least). Remedy’s Control has their RTGI sample their baked lighting if it travels too far, and NVIDIA has a DDGI-esque solution in Cyberpunk 2077. Lumen avoids long diffuse rays by basically not tracing them, and having their distant probes trace lighting in their own neighborhood and interpolate (roughly speaking). Approximations abound.

What do you define as this? Seeking to understand.

There also comes the issue of the overall size of the codebase. A single shader with a simple scene setup could run quite fast, but when one layers in gameplay logic, AI, perhaps procedural FX, particles, and any number of other things, you suddenly have much more overall stress on the hardware.

Hi! So this is my current noise-level in UE5.3. This is happening on all materials with a mixed roughness or a very low roughness value. I tried playing around with the bilateralFilter settings but It didnt help. The only thing that would fix it is basically not using any metallic/low roughness shaders at all.

Also translucent objects are casting a shadow in the lumen scene but are not considered by screentraces at all?

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Unfortunately, your problems are pretty much engine featuresets at this current moment; lumen essentially can’t render any surface with a roughness of from .15-3.9 at a usable quality. This has been an outstanding problem since 5.0, and the devs haven’t been able to offer up a solution.

In terms of hacks, you have a few options, but none of them are great. You can bias lumen to treat the surface as more or less rough, which will obviously mess up your art direction but it’ll remove the noise. You can also use the skylight leaking toggle in the PPV, which basically hides noise by making the skylight more heavily influence the scene. There’s also a command that makes the radiance cache accelerate reflection traces, which can save you time and quality. FInally, you can adjust how strongly lumen reconstructs hits in screen space, which can win back detail in reflections and marginally reduce noise.

TL;DR: rough reflections are basically unusable, and there’s no clear solution in sight. I can’t tell if the problem is fundamentally intractable (without AI) or if the lumen team just has much higher priorities, but it severely limits material choices and breaks legacy content.

As for the translucent objects and the screen traces, that’s also pretty normal. Screen traces work by tracing rays against the opaque depth buffer of the scene. Translucent objects are drawn on top of that depth buffer, meaning screen traces can’t interact with them. Lumen can still be aware of them however, so they can both receive reflections and cast shadows.


Hi guys,

I don’t see r.Lumen.HardwareRayTracing.MaxTranslucentSkipCount console command anymore in 5.3. It was a really useful one for us where we had windows with more than 2 translucent faces. Setting it to 4 solved our issues with sunlight not coming through the window glasses. What is the reason that it was removed and is there any way to edit it or is there an equivalent command or solution?

Hey all, sorry for disappearing for so long. It has been intimidating to figure out how to dive back into this thread while balancing all of my other work. I’ll make an attempt to reply to some of the ones I know the answer to. I probably won’t be able to get into anything that requires me to debug or investigate further, unfortunately.

Skipping translucent materials is supposed to be handled automatically for you now via Lumen’s AnyHitShader, rather than requiring us to restart the ray a fixed number of times (r.Lumen.HardwareRayTracing.MaxTranslucentSkipCount), which was a slower approach. Is it not working in your scene? I just did a test and it does seem to be working correctly - meshes with a translucent section have that section skipped in Lumen Scene with HWRT, and it doesn’t block light sources.

We’re not happy with it either. Honestly it’s just a matter of priority, there are too many things going on internally requiring our attention. We had the wet roads and emissive signs in Fortnite CH4 Season 2, and a lot of noise in Lumen Reflections there. In the end we had to use tonemapped weighting to work around the noise (r.Lumen.Reflections.ScreenSpaceReconstruction.TonemapStrength 1). That’s a not a solution really, it effectively removes bright spots in reflections from rough surfaces, but at least it works around noise. That’s currently only usable on/off, but after cl 28056606 (future 5.4) you can set it to fractional values as well.

TLDR: if you are struggling with Lumen Reflection noise on rough materials, try out ‘r.Lumen.Reflections.ScreenSpaceReconstruction.TonemapStrength 1’