Lumen GI and Reflections feedback thread

Welcome back :slight_smile:

Will this be the case for rect lights too? Or all light sources? This would be interesting to know, if we would want to build some longer rect lights, then for better shadows it would probably be better to use several smaller rect lights than one big rect light, to get better shadows.

Someting else related to rect lights and Lumen: I made a post in another thread, where i mainly used rect lights in combination with emissive materials (this post here: (New Lumen in UE5) Why is the ceiling of my parking garage so dark? - #2 by Suthriel )

Particularly this video here:

and there i noticed, that Lumen seems to not like those rect lights, which are sitting under those ramps, that lead up and down.
You can see, how everything around the ramp lights goes really dark, if only the rect lights are active - starting at timestamp 0.44 to minute 1.25. Especially at the time 1.10 to 1.20, where i go closer to the ramp light and look at it.

Auto Exposure is off in that scene (it´s set to manual), and everything is built from regular blocks to make sure, that they work properly with Lumen.

Does Lumen not like diagonal ramps? ^.^