LPT Port Communication


I am part of a team during video game research for neuroscience. Unfortunately, we have a limited amount of time to work on this game. One of the priorities of the game is the ability to communicate with our EEG headset (measures brainwaves) and that is through the LPT port. I have searched dozens of forums and tried everything from Arduino ([Free][Windows only] UE4Duino 2 - Arduino (COM port) communication - Programming & Scripting - Epic Developer Community Forums)
to really old forums and have yet to be successful in not only successfully opening the port, but also writing to it.

Ideally, a plugin would be perfect, but I am familiar with C++. This weird hybrid of UE4 C++ has made it a little difficult but any help is appreciated.

There no such things as “UE4 C++”, it is normal C++ with just some extra code generation tools and custom make tool, you can do anything that C++ let you, even use standard libraries (but it not recommended as it not compatible with UE4 APIs, you need to do type conversions to make libraries work) if needed as long as you properly configure compilation.

Ofcorse there no LPT in UE4 APIs are it’s generally useless for games, you can use Win32 APIs (Main Windows OS APIs) to operate LPT:

To access those you need to include windows.h, UE4 got special header files that does that with avoidance of any errors:

#include "Windows/MinWindows.h

Why do you need a LPT connection? Does your PC have a LPT port? Or maybe your EEG headset has LPT interface? I believe it is possible to make a LPT to usb adapter and connect it with UE through UE4 arduino plugin.

The LPT connection is required for the actiPOWER EEG headset we use. We have an LPT port that runs from the computer to the headset and the headset to another computer that processes data (my PI wants it on two separate computers so we have to use the LPT port for the software to receive it correctly. That’s some interesting advice, we’ll check into the adapter (we’ll probably need one anyway if we ever upgrade the PCs).

Or there is LPT - USB adapters you can buy on internet. But i’m not sure if they could communicate through UE4duino plugin. So maybe it’s worth trying.

Hi, how did you solve this issue? I’m looking for the same thing. We are using Unreal Engine for Linguistic research and would like to communicate with EEG over the lpt port. Any help would be great. Thank you.

Hello! have you found a solution for this? I am trying the mark different events in my UE5 game and send those signal to EEG so it can record the brain activity at these specific moments.