Lowpoly Style Environments


As some users requested, this is now the official support and request thread for all Lowpoly Style Packs on the Marketplace. If you have any questions, feel free to ask - you can also make suggestion on what environments you’d like to see next, if you want.

Here’s also an overview for all packs currently available:

Desert Pack


Forest Pack


Tropical Pack


Winter Pack


Woodlands Pack


Collections: Ultra (5) and Mega (3) Packs

If you want to purchase these in a collection, you can either choose a 3 pack (winter, woodland, desert) or go for all five packs, so you can get them at a discounted price.

Mega Pack (3): LINK
Ultra Pack (all 5): LINK

Thanks for checking out this thread or the packs, you can find much more screenshots if you follow the marketplace links.

Have a nice day,


For a limited time only, the 3 and 5 item collection packs are on sale, -30% off!

Best Regards,

Here is the new environment I’m working on (walkthrough is from unity, unreal will follow soon).

The asia environment is now included as a free update for the ultra pack collection! I hope you like it.

Comings soon: new cliffy coast environment! This is from the unity version:

Hope you’ll like it, already started on the unreal version as well!