

First time posting here hope its the right spot but I’ve run out of ideas.

I get a low level fatal error in any Unreal Engine based game I play(So far it has happened in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order, Ark Survival Evolved and Conan Exiles)

Generally these have all been set to max settings running at 2k resolution. At least at first, I’ve lowered the settings down considerably on all games and also lowered resolution to see if it helps. It does not.

I played through and beat SWJFO shortly after it came out on these settings on this computer with no hardware changes besides a new more powerful PSU, and a new SSD that runs windows(All my games/programs are on a separate drive)

I’ve used DDU to uninstall my current drivers reinstalled to the newest. Reinstalled to older drivers, reinstalled to the studio drivers, nothing seems to fix it. Updated BIOS, have all the newest updates to Windows. Removed my GPU and made sure it was seated properly, swapped RAM into different slots just in case. Reinstalled games, verified files, also none of the games had any mods on them. All of these games worked on this setup last year.

If necessary here are my spec for CPU GPU PSU and RAM(if anything else is needed let me know)

Corsair RM750x
Gigabyte Nvidia RTX 2070
AMD Ryzen 3700x
16gb Ram

