Hello! I have a problem with my project. My packaged game sometimes crashes with this report. Does anyone know what is causing it? I also tried playing the game with task manager open to see what the problem is but when the crash happens, both the CPU and the GPU remain the same. In the GPU visualizer, nothing seems wrong and it seems to hit a max of 10ms
LowLevelFatalError.[File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\HAL\MallocBinned2.cpp] [Line: 1438]
FMallocBinned2 Attempt to realloc an unrecognized block 000001A6F6590000 canary == 0x48 != 0xe3
Hello! I did finally manage to fix it. For me at least it was something stupid. It was a really, really big light that wasn’t even lighting anything. It was half baked but it still ended up causing massive issues. Check if that is the case for you too. If you can not find something like that, try to check the gpu visualizer. I think it was Ctrl + Shift + “,”. Maybe it will show what’s too slow there. Either way, I think it is to do with the GPU being overloaded. Hope this helps!
Hello, can you see if there is a similar issue in my project as in yours? I checked all the lights in the scene and didn’t find any that were consuming excessive resources. There are no errors in the editor, but the packaged version crashes. ■■■■ it.
Hello! From these images there doesn’t seem to be much of an issue. Try to use the bottom window of the GPU Visualizer to see how much the total duration is taking in ms. For my project it seems to be about 8 to 9 ms. It should always be under 16.66 ms I’m pretty sure. Try lowering the graphic settings. Also, make sure that your lights are stationary. Movable lights are very expensive. If you have a lot of lights, maybe try distance culling them. Go to their settings and under performance you have max draw distance. Also, maybe try baking the levels (and especially lighting). Give me another reply if this still doesn’t help. Also, does your editor also crash from time to time, or just the packaged project?