Low resolution UMG Images and Jaggy Edges

I’m working on a game in Unreal 5 and I’m having issues with HUD images turning low quality, in the UMG and in game. These images are 4k PNGs and show up very low quality and with jaggy edges. Is there any way I can fix this?

Hi. What size are the images shown at? In UMG there’s pixel snapping which can cause jaggy edges for textures that are incorrectly sized at source (non-power of 2 sizes) and becomes even worse if the final resolution also doesn’t respect this rule.

Do you mean Image size in appearance? which is 64 x 64 and I have rescaled them up to 4k but it didn’t work.

Could it have something to do with widget’s Render Target Texture size /or Screen Size?

If the image is displayed at 64x64, you don’t need a larger native resolution than that, since it can’t be displayed anyway, and only steal memory.

There are also compression settings for the texture that gets applied.

Got an example of what it looks like? How bad is it?

UMG Poor image quality 4.16 - Programming & Scripting / UI - Unreal Engine Forums

I think this solution might work but I can’t find the section where I can change the filter.