Hi! Im trying to export pointcloud from RC into ReCap. There is only 2 type of files supported XYZ and XYZRGB. Recap dont support the XYZRGB but renaming it to .TXT I managed to get the cloud loaded with color in Recap.
Main issue…my cloud looks so sparse in it’s density compared to what I would expect, it’s only 180K points. See attachments for better explanation of my issue:)
Maybe I missed some setting in ReCap when inporting, but couldnt find anything that would optimize the cloud data imported.
kallehelgesson wrote:
Hi! Im trying to export pointcloud from RC into ReCap. There is only 2 type of files supported XYZ and XYZRGB. Recap dont support the XYZRGB but renaming it to .TXT I managed to get the cloud loaded with color in Recap.
Main issue…my cloud looks so sparse in it’s density compared to what I would expect, it’s only 180K points. See attachments for better explanation of my issue:)
Maybe I missed some setting in ReCap when inporting, but couldnt find anything that would optimize the cloud data imported.
If you want to export alignment point cloud, than you go to ALIGNMENT > Export, if you want to export reconstruction, than you have to go to RECONSTRUCTION TAB.
In your case you probably want to export reconstruction, so you go to RECONSTRUCTION > Export > Mesh and select XYZ Point Cloud.
Hi Kruzma and thank you so much thats what I was looking for! Had no idea that you exported point cloud using the mesh exporter, a little confusing 
Another question…Looks like it’s only XYZ available for export…how do you export it with color data when XYZRGB isnt available?
Found it in the export dialog, problem solved! 
The other thing to look out for is recap will reduce and deciamte the cloud by default 5mm is there default, and will also trim the edges, in the advanced import options in recap you can change the default value
Aha! Good to know thank you stevenramsey123!
Export to FBX load into Recap Photo tidy mesh and export to PTS Import to Recap. I am just checking this workflow as first attempt was non colour in Recap Photo.
The XYZ RC export is in colour and will import to Recap. Recap Photo has a cloud density limitation points / m2 for PTS export so some clarity maybe lost. It is easier to clean up fragments etc. in Recap Photo than it is fencing and deleting points in Recap.