Low quality jpeg import take too much space as intended

Hello, I am currently occupied by a space problem within my game, I am adding a mini game that uses photos and I have opted upstream for an image compression of 40% of the total quality which allows me a minimum of space for a correct quality in game with images of 2000x1500px.

Unfortunately, once imported, a compression method is used and the image regains its weight that it should and becomes much heavier than it should.

I performed the process with 30 images and my update is 120MB instead of 9MB which is not negligible because there will be hundreds of photos …

How to ensure that these very low quality images remain low weight even in game?

Yes it is the impression that I have, on my side I lowered the quality so much that once imported my image gained lot of place … If I do not find a solution, I risk asking a create a C ++ code allowing to search images in a packaged folder directly maybe, I am waiting to see.

I just made a JPG screen shot of my desktop. 229K. But, if I open this in Photoshop, I can see the actual image is 15Mb!

When I import it into UE, it ends up as 6.5mb with no mipmaps.

So, actually, UE has reduced the size.

I’m no texture expert, but I’m assuming UE can’t work with the JPG format directly.