Low-Poly Import Model Issue

Hello, me again.

Just wondering why, when importing a low poly model, faces are missing from model?

I ran the topology check:

However in Blender everything looks as expected

Trying to improve my low-poly workflow but can’t see what is going wrong, if I clean topology in RC it introduces incorrect geometry

Hi Mr_Joshua_R,
what are your import settings?
I suppose the provided polys are too small and therefore filtered automatically.
Do you see this message during import?

Is the result same for both options?

No I don’t see that message, as you can see in my original post the report says there are 0 non-manifold edges and it has been modelled to avoid that issue however it does say “non-manifold vertices: 1”

Model import settings are as follows:

When I triangulate the mesh I can see the top area probably could have better topology however the lower porch area highlighted, to me, appears like it should be fine

cheers :slight_smile:

Is it possible to share that model?

Low_poly_building.mtl (70 Bytes)
Low_poly_building.obj (45.2 KB)

Thank you for your data.
I opened it in CloudCompare and re-saved as OBJ and the model is imported as it should:
I am not sure what is the problem, but I suppose it will be something with the normals.
Is this happening for all formats?

I’ve just tried fbx and that has worked correctly. I think the issue is probably the obj export option, both legacy and the current exporter in 3.6 throw up the same issue, so i guess for now ill stick to fbx

Import model in RC

Hello, I’ve watched the very interesting tutorial on how to limit the number of polygons in a mesh using Blender. (link)

When I import my model (.obj format) into RC, I also have faces that disappear.

Model in Blender

I try to import in obj viewer and I have not the problem.

How I can fix this problem ?

It could be that the faces are oriented inward, and therefore cannot be easily seen in RealityCapture. Invert the faces in Blender, and let me know if that helped.