Hi guys. What do people use to generate low poly characters for mobile games? I know fuse and makehuman, but Fuse characters are what 14k polygons? And makehuman mesh comes with multiple materials and low poly version meshes look kinda bad.
So what you guys use and how many polygons is ok for a mobile tps main character, enemies etc.? Thanks!
Thanks for the reply. I can model a chair or a knife, but nit a human I will have your email in mind
Now about Mixamo Fuse, is there a way to bring down the poly count inside Fuse maybe? Or maybe there are plans for this option in the future? The 2 free autoriggs a week sounds sexy.
Pabooklas, try modeling a low poly human on top of a higher poly model. Just look at the topology and try your best with polyediting. Keep in mind loops for animation bends and you should be able to do this.
What software do you use for modeling?
Mixamo themselves have something called Decimator. It gradually brings down the number of polygons in their characters, including Fuse-generated ones. However, it seems to be only available as part of an Indie or All Access subscription.
You could take a look at Meshlab. Its free. You could use it for decimating and get a low poly version of what you’ve created.
If you still want to keep it looking good, but have a lower poly then you’ll have to retopo it OR you could always create a high poly model, then decimate it using meshlab, and then just project the UV onto the lower poly one. Which should preserve 90% of the details of the high poly model but be extremely low poly.
So fuse on steam is 92.99 euros. But it says nothing about decimator, so yeah the decimator is 500eu a year. This sucks because I love how easy the autorigged characters work with all the animations we get in ue4. Oh well. Exploring other options.
The Decimator is part of an indie package you can get on Mixamo though, so it’s not 500eu for JUST the Decimator. It’s not terrible pricing, but if you can’t afford it you can’t afford it.
What about buying Fuse on Steam, then getting indie for a month, decimating what I need and cancelling untill I need decimator again? Are there weekly or monthly restrictions on that thing?
I’d recommend getting makehuman (free) and using 3D coat for retopologizing it (not free but very low cost for what it does and its retopology is amazingly easy and good, plus it will do your UV unwraps etc). Then get those in blender for rigging and you’re golden.
3DCoat is really a hidden gem. Amazing bit of kit.