Low Performance on low end devices although Profiling seems great

Hello, so I have a question, I have been developing a game, which is supposed to run on kiiinda low end devices aswell. Also just to add this information, I have been working with UE for around 2 years now, this game has been my start into unreal engine and I have been working on it for 5 years, but also this means that my expertise is not that high with more progressed things down the development line I feel like, like Profiling.

At first I wanted to use Lumen and all the fancy stuff new in UE5, cause to the nerd without knowledge that I was that sounded cool as hell, just for me to realise that the game I am making needs to be able to run on low end desktop devices and laptops. I have went through many changes within my project after that realisation, going to static lighting fully, changing many options and going to simpler materials for example.
Now after all these changes the Profiler looks like this:

I have not that much experience with Profiling, though this Profiling looks really good to me. Now, if I go and test this on low end devices, it goes to run on like 20 fps still.
Obviously makes sense that a game runs better on high end hardware like the machine I am using for this than on low end work laptops, but my question:

What is the next step now if I want to improve performance

All the tutorials I have watched and stuff I read about only talk about what to do when one sees an obvious performance problem like ms per frame breaking at some points, but what do I do if I know profiling looks good without much issue really, yet performance is still bad?

I would really really appreciate any help^^
If i can provide any additional information that might help to answer this please tell mee

Found Solution, actually pretty simple

Search for Low End Device recommendations for unreal engine games and apply those, like for example changing the project targeted hardware in project settings to not be set to maximum quality(however I was able to miss that no clue), and apply the forward rendering engine.

And then, test test test on low end hardware.

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