The crash doesn’t occur in editor, or standalone. In shipping build I tried running with lowest scalability settings and still crash. So I assume is not the memory.
Windows? Yes? It seem to happens not only with me but also in other computers like my users clients for example. I was starting reporting this issue by my clients.
Thank you very much for your additional info, that seemed to be the cause of problem.
So I have 4 different levels to start with, two of them have asteroids fields.
level 01 have 4 asteroid fields that spawn one after other is gone, the first asteroid field takes 13 sec to spawn. (Randomly after some few minutes of play time client crash)
level 02 have 1 asteroid field that spawn immediately begin play. (Randomly when traveling level client crash)
I broke the scrip for asteroid field bp, and with the test client didn’t crash.
So the problem as you suggested in [link text][4] had the key. Hierarchical Instance Static Mesh is causing this issue. I’ll try to reduce bounds, or not spawn but placing in level to see if has a solution. Before I switched UE4 ver 24 to 26 it didn’t present this problem.
Thank you very much Kehel18 for your interested in helping me out. You saved me lot of time and probably breaking lots of stuff in vain.
Hi! someone knows how to fix this in the game Century, age of ashes? LowLevelFatalError [File:Unknown] [Line: 258] Direct3DDevice->CreateUnorderedAccessView(Texture->GetResource(),&UAVDesc,(ID3D11UnorderedAccessView**)UnorderedAccessView.GetInitReference()) failed at D:/UnrealEngine-4.27/Source/Engine/Source/Runtime/Windows/D3D11RHI/Private/D3D11UAV.cpp:116 with error E_INVALIDARG