Hi there, i exited a project by accidentally powering off my computer, and ue didn’t close properly, but thats not the problem.
after restarting it, it gave me the option to restore the part of the project that i didn’t save. i clicked on “don’t restore” cuz i don’t needed that last part.
now suddenly all the project files are gone? which is weird because they are still in the designated folder in my file explorer…
ive had this problem before with smaller projects, but now i lost this big project im working on.
Does anyone know whats going on??
Hi there, i exited a project by accidentally powering off my computer, and ue didn’t close properly, but thats not the problem.
after restarting it, it gave me the option to restore the part of the project that i didn’t save. i clicked on “don’t restore” cuz i don’t needed that last part.
now suddenly all the project files are gone? which is weird because they are still in the designated folder in my file explorer…
ive had this problem before with smaller projects, but now i lost this big project im working on.
would love to prevent this from happening to someone else
the files are still there? in the computer, if you browse the folders outside unreal
Hey @Ritterbecks!
That is some odd behavior. Like @dorusoftware asked, you mentioned the files are still there after checking in the project folder through the explorer right? It is definitely not ideal and a workaround you may or may not want to stick with, but do the assets work if you you copy them into a new project manually?
@dorusoftware @Nawrot @Quetzalcodename
thanks for taking the time guys, really appreciate it.
so the following is going on;
the same maps in unreal engine are still in the dedicated file explorer, but the files themselves are still in the file explorer maps, but not inside the unreal engine maps.
when i open the main .uproject file from the file explorer, ue opens a project without files as described in point 1. When i open the project via the unreal engine main window (picture below), the project opens just as it should with all the files and levels ready to be used.
- when i opened the project via the unreal engine main window and all the files are still there and ready to be used, i tried exporting the file into a zip to save the working project as a copy. with no succes, when i unzip the exported project and try to open it via the .uproject file, the same problem occurs and i open a project with all the maps but no actual files.
to my knowledge there is no other way to save a copy, so im manually migrating the most important assets to a different project.
im glad i got back some parts of my project in some miraculous way, but still a weird bug nevertheless.
any idea what’s going on here?
Hey @Ritterbecks!
As strange as it sounds, it really seems like your project was associated with a different .uproject file or something. When you find your files in the explorer, do you go to it manually, or by right clicking the project in the Epic Games launcher and clicking “Show in Explorer”? While extremely unlikely, there may have been some kind of bug that moved your files around. At least that’s what it sounds like from the behavior described.