Losing my mind trying to simply import a metahuman

For the past couple of hours I’ve just been trying to simply import a metahuman…Of the default ones given. Not one I created. I’ve tried using the external quixel bridge app but I’m using ue5 and it is now inside of the engine. I’ve tried downloading the files separately and moving them into the content folder. Nothing is working. Here is a video of me in a fresh project demonstratign TI TWNTOWTOASDFOIi

No idea, open it in UE4 and then migrate it. Not a fix I know but if you need it now.

could be a file pathing issue? were you able to do it before? maybe try a blank project and see if that works.

How weird. try to restart the editor, and when importing it do not do it from the “local” tab but from the “metahumans” tab to check if there are any errors in the files and you should download it again.

Maybe try and duplicate the character in the Metahumans web app. Then generate it. I think the mistake you are making is you are using the ADD button from the local section of Bridge instead of My Metahumans.

Hope that helps.

Have any luck fixing this? I’m running into the same issue with a custom metahuman. I tried:

a) Migrating from a UE 4 project - migration crashes.
b) Selecting the Metaahuman from the Latest Metahumans (not the Local files).
c) Creating a brand new UE 5.1 project and Adding it there.

None of these work. I get no error message or warning. It simply doesn’t put anything in the metahuman folder for that character (it DOES add the Common assets).

I see these in the Output Log but that doesn’t provide any clues that I can see.

  • LogJson: Warning: Field assetType was not found.
  • LogJson: Error: Json Value of type ‘Null’ used as a ‘String’.
  • LogPackageName: Warning: TryConvertFilenameToLongPackageName was passed an ObjectPath (/Game/MetaHumans/Zel/BP_Zel.BP_Zel) rather than a PackageName or FilePath; it will be converted to the PackageName. Accepting ObjectPaths is deprecated behavior and will be removed in a future release; TryConvertFilenameToLongPackageName will fail on ObjectPaths.
  • LogPackageName: Warning: TryConvertFilenameToLongPackageName was passed an ObjectPath (/Game/MetaHumans/Zel/BP_Zel.BP_Zel) rather than a PackageName or FilePath; it will be converted to the PackageName. Accepting ObjectPaths is deprecated behavior and will be removed in a future release; TryConvertFilenameToLongPackageName will fail on ObjectPaths.

@vslash9 did have any luck trying to overcome this issue?