Looting System

Hey Everyone,

Once again I’m back with some new stuff that I’ve been trying my hand at. This time I tried to create a looting system that should be easily usable and that should make looting as enjoyable as humanly possible.

Some features that are implemented in this system:

  • loot any actor who has the Loot-Interface implemented (there is a boolean which allows you to turn looting on or off for any particular actor implementing this interface)
  • scroll through all lootable items with the mouse wheel
  • grab any actor who has the Loot-Interface implemented (once again there is a boolean which lets you control whether or not this actor is grabbable)
  • grab actors that are near point the player is focusing on (useful for small items)
  • UMG HUD -> show loot, show notifications, change crosshair when focusing on lootable/grabbable item
  • notification system that allows you to notify the player of any action (grabbed coin, added item to your inventory… etc.)
  • instruction system (show which key performs which action → [E] grab coin, [Wheel up] next item… etc.)

Some features that I may or may not implement in the near/far future:

  • random loot based on actor location / actor type (First Aid Kit contains random medical items based on its region (poor region = few items and low chance for expensive medical items, rich region = more items with higher chance for expensive medical items)
  • stackable items
  • sort items based on category/value/weight/quantity
  • inventory system
  • transfer items from your inventory to a lootable actor

As usual here’s a demonstration:

Amazing.I’ll see your last videos on YT i’ll waiting for release :slight_smile:

Did you realy felt the need to remove my comment on youtube?

Its ok ill just post it here again but since i dont remember anymore how the exact wordmatch was i redesign it a bit.

That side scrolling from the items will evtl mess with the eye since it does not very comfort the player to look from one side of the screen to the other.
Instead of having the items sorted horiizontaly using the length of the itemnames you should go for a vertical sorting.

I honestly didn’t remove the comment on YouTube! However since it seems to be gone, I’m going to answer here what I had answered there:

Thank you for your feedback. I think I’m going to stick with this layout for a while since I intend to add a “description mode” which slides the whole menu up and shows the items description. If however that turns out to be unpleasant for the eyes I’ll consider changing everything to a vertical layout.