Hey Everyone,
Once again I’m back with some new stuff that I’ve been trying my hand at. This time I tried to create a looting system that should be easily usable and that should make looting as enjoyable as humanly possible.
Some features that are implemented in this system:
- loot any actor who has the Loot-Interface implemented (there is a boolean which allows you to turn looting on or off for any particular actor implementing this interface)
- scroll through all lootable items with the mouse wheel
- grab any actor who has the Loot-Interface implemented (once again there is a boolean which lets you control whether or not this actor is grabbable)
- grab actors that are near point the player is focusing on (useful for small items)
- UMG HUD -> show loot, show notifications, change crosshair when focusing on lootable/grabbable item
- notification system that allows you to notify the player of any action (grabbed coin, added item to your inventory… etc.)
- instruction system (show which key performs which action → [E] grab coin, [Wheel up] next item… etc.)
Some features that I may or may not implement in the near/far future:
- random loot based on actor location / actor type (First Aid Kit contains random medical items based on its region (poor region = few items and low chance for expensive medical items, rich region = more items with higher chance for expensive medical items)
- stackable items
- sort items based on category/value/weight/quantity
- inventory system
- transfer items from your inventory to a lootable actor
As usual here’s a demonstration: