loosing my actors in the levels when saving

Hi, I am new to Unreal V and doing ARCHIVIZ. Every time I am trying to save a project after successfully create images, at the end of the day when I want to save it, it seems I get a project with no actors in it anymore. I can see them all listed but they are not visible in the level…. Can I reactivate/reload them? What went wrong ? and how do I save a project without loosing all I imported (with datasmith) and placed from contentlist?
This “saving with loosing” is really my biggest problem. More concretely: when I want to exit: he asks me to save. I click yes and he ask me always a name for a new level. I don’t want a new level but am left with only that choice. When I open it later: that new level has all lights, cameras and backgrounds in it, but… all the rest is gone…… I can see them listed like they should be present……

Thank you,
Joël Sels

Hello Joël,
Can you give us some precisions:

  • Which version of the engine are you on?
  • Can you give us some screenshots?
  • Are you using Datasmith import or Dataprep?
  • What file format are you importing into UE?

When you do a datasmith import:

  • UE will create the new assets (mesh, materials, textures) in the content folder. you will have to save those else they are removed and your actors in the scene are no more referencing existing static meshes or materials. You have the hierarchy still in level but all empty. When you close the engine it should ask you to save those assets. Also you should not wait until end of day to save them anyway.
  • UE will spawn the product hierarchy in the current open level. Then you will also have to save that level else the added actors will not be saved in the current level.